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Dwain Chambers Book Launch


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Dwain Anthony Chambers (born 5 April 1978) is an English sprinter of Afro-Caribbean descent. His primary event is the 100 metres sprint but he also regularly runs in the 60 metres, 200 metres and 4x100 metres relay. Chambers has won medals on the international stage numerous times and is one of the fastest European sprinters in the history of recorded athletics. His personal best of 9.97 seconds in the 100 m is the second fastest time by a British sprinter. He also holds the European 4x100 m relay record with 37.73 s. In 1997, Chambers set the junior world record for the 100 m at 10.06 s. It has since been surpassed.

Chambers' first appearance at the Olympics was at the Sydney 2000 Games where he turned in the best 100 m performance by a European at the event. By 2001, he had become the top British sprinter, breaking the 10 second barrier twice at the Edmonton World Championships. However, in October 2003, he tested positive for the banned steroid THG in a drugs check, leading to the BALCO scandal. Chambers received a two-year athletics ban, and a lifetime Olympic ban. He had all of his racing accomplishments since 2002 annulled, wiping away his European record.

Chambers returned to the track and field circuit in June 2006, and won gold with his teammates in the 4x100 m at the 2006 European Championships but a feud with Darren Campbell tainted the victory. Disillusioned with athletics, Chambers joined the Hamburg Sea Devils of the NFL Europa league in early 2007. After the league folded, Chambers returned to sprinting, winning a silver medal in the 60 m at the 2008 IAAF World Indoor Championships, and filed unsuccessful appeals of his Olympic ban. He briefly looked to rugby league as an alternative to the hostility he faced from fans and peers in athletics, but his trial with the Castleford Tigers was unsuccessful. He has since returned to sprinting, and on 8 August 2008, signed a deal with Libros International to write an autobiography.

Dwain Chambers official web site click here

In January 2002 the athlete Dwain Chambers made a serious error of judgement when he succumbed to peer pressure and temptation and took a performance enhancing substance. The inevitable bust, when it happened, came almost as a relief. Nevertheless it would turn his life upside down. Chambers came clean, held up his hands and unburdened himself of the guilt he’d been carrying for so long. His income fell from six figures per annum to nil and he had to repay 18 months of athletics prize money when he freely admitted the timescale of his abuse.
A two-year competition ban was imposed and a lifetime ban from the Olympics. He fought the two-year ban as the drug he took was not actually on a ‘banned list’ at the time of his offence. Despite the experts advising him otherwise he lost the case, needing to sell his house in order to pay the costs.
He then made the decision to rebuild his athletics career and his life and decided to fight the British Olympic Association attempting to overturn his lifetime Olympic ban. Some would say it was yet another error of bad judgement taking on ‘The Establishment’.
For five years Dwain Chambers has been abused and vilified by the BOA, the media and his fellow athletes past and present, he has been called a cheating bastard in a radio interview and a prominent Lord has used the F word when referring to him. Lord Sebastian Coe, Lord Colin Moynihan, Daley Thompson, Steve Cram, Steve Redgrave and Dame Kelly Holmes are just a few of the high profile names who have ensured a tirade of negative publicity during and leading up to one most high profile hearings in British sporting history.
Once again Dwain Chambers placed his faith in British justice. Two of his legal acquaintances Jonathan Crystal and Nick Collins agreed to work for free, such was their belief in their client’s right to run. The BOA, by their own admissions were not particularly well off, nevertheless they wheeled in David Pannick QC, arguably Britain's pre-eminent brief on sporting matters, whose hourly rate of up to £1,500 puts him at the very top of the pile of legal earners. The Lawyer magazine estimates he commands an annual income in excess of £2m. Chambers lost his case. He sat and watched the Beijing Olympics at home.
Dwain Chambers has kept a diary for five years, now it’s his turn to talk. His treatment by certain individuals, who are far from perfect themselves, and in particular by the BOA have sickened him to the core. The lies and double standards are evident in RACE AGAINST ME as Chambers pours his heart out and exposes the real cheats in the world of athletics.
RACE AGAINST ME is a book that will shake UK and world athletics to the core written by a man who tells it how it is.

 Limited Edition signed copies of Dwain Chambers Autobiography available on


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